Sunday, August 17, 2008

Rock-a-bye Baby

My mom stayed with us from Tuesday until Sunday this week for my brother Craigs wedding this past Friday! Preston got in so much Grandma time. He just soaked it up. He would sit with my mom in the recliner and rock while she sang Rock-a-bye baby to him. He would just stare at her while she sang. Then he would make singing sounds to cue her to sing again :) so cute.
He is getting old enough that he knows who she is and recognizes her when she comes into town!


Shari said...

I wish I had gotten to see your mom. Tell her Hi for me. And tell Craig thanks for inviting us. HE he

Sandy said...

Granma Time is the BEST!!

Peggy said...

Peter- I saw this sweet boy with a tootsie pop ever so kindly sharing-insisting others taste it at the reunion. I could look in his precious little eyes and see you Peter! Preston is so cute!!

The best to you Nancy with your pregnancy!