Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crazy Kid!

So this morning I was doing my house stuff as usual and I heard Preston laughing up a storm. I walk in the livingroom and found this:

I just laughed my butt off. He is pretty darn good at entertaining himself these days!


Nick and Laura said...

Oh my gosh! He is so sweet! What a smart little boy to figure out that it could be a slide! His giggle just makes my day!!!

Amber and Greg said...

How cute was that!?! Dylan LOVES to slide! We have got to get the boys together when the weather is good, and go to the park and do the real slides!

Shannon said...

Self-entertainment is a good thing. Can't wait till Wes figures that out.

Dave and Marie said...

lol that is soo funny!! Is that a sippy cup in his mouth? That cracks me up!!!